
November 6, 2019

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How To Cut Bad Habits From Your Software Marketing

STRATEGY | 0 comments

It’s rare that a prospect will actually tell you they don’t understand your solution, so guess what…magically your software “just isn’t the right fit” for them...

Software makes the world go round, and to ride that merry-go-round you need to market your software solutions to specific industries and companies. If you’re marketing to the B2B space, there are some really bad habits to avoid.

Not that these habits are wrong in themselves, but these bad habits make it hard for your ideal prospect to view your software as the right solution…which means they will look a competitor to solve their problems.

Take a look at these strategies and see if you can sharpen your marketing strategies when it comes to reaching your ideal prospects.


Why Software Marketing Is Full Of Bad Habits

Most of the times, software solutions solve a wide range of problems. In fact, any good technology usually has several ways to “skin a cat”, as they saying goes.

This means that when it comes time to sharing the messaging within your website, content, videos and other marketing assets, the information is cluttered with too many facts.

When a prospect is bombarded with facts, figures, cpu speeds and transactions-per-second type jargon, it clouds their thinking.

It’s rare that a prospect will actually tell you they don’t understand your solution, so guess what…magically your software “just isn’t the right fit”. Avoid this bad habit by not bombarding your prospects with so much technical speaks and three letter acronyms so they can actually get a grasp of what your software does.

Make sure to include clear, clean details that make sense to both technical and non-technical readers.

You never know who’ll be the initial contact within your prospects company, the last thing you want is to go over their head with pure technology babble.


How Showcasing Benefits Over Features Clears The Air

Everyone is selfish, and that’s not a bad thing. Look at it from a prospects viewpoint, if they’re trying to determine if your software can make their life easier, why make their job even harder by going overboard on endless bullet points of features.
They might not even use most of the features you brag about, or even understand why these features are included in the first place.
Focus on the opposite end of the spectrum by showcasing the real benefits they can gain by implementing your solutions. In most cases, prospects are trying to solve a problem so why not get to the solution as fast as possible.
And by sharing benefits, bonus points are awarded if you can get a real world testimonials from clients in their industry.
Nothing goes further in terms of positive proof than someone they already know on the fast track to success.

When Marketing For “Any Industry” Backfires

Prospects want to work with partners and solutions that know their industry. Although most software can technically work within any industry, you need to prove to your prospects that you can work in their world. 
When you focus on a message that “any industry” can benefit from your technology, what the prospect hears is “we know nothing about your space, but it’ll probably work.”
How do you solve this challenge? An easy way is to showcase customer logos from a wide range of industries on your website and other marketing assets, such as case studies and industry specific brochures.
Then, assemble testimonials from clients that comment specifically how your solutions helped them save time, money and drive value.
Another point to drive home is to create industry specific landing pages on your website that scream their space from top to bottom. This means including terminology, images, logos and other ultra-specific content about that specific market.
Does this mean more work for your marketing team? Yes, but again you need to consider how your marketing strategy needs to cater to these prospects…not the other way around.
Avoiding bad habits within your software marketing strategies will help showcase that you have the answer to their problems.
