
May 5, 2019

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What Are B2B Marketing Strategies You Can Profit From?

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With all the platforms and choices for sharing your brand, most companies get stuck in the mud when it comes to planning and executing B2B marketing strategies.

You’ve got an amazing software product that blows away the competition and can transform a clients business. Problem is, how do you market to these prospects the right way?

With all the platforms and choices for sharing your brand, most companies get stuck in the mud when it comes to planning and executing B2B marketing strategies.

By the end of this blog post, you’ll have the insight to research and start planning your B2B marketing using more data and less guesswork.

Defining the “real” goals

Just about any software leader would love for countless clients to sign up overnight, but with enterprise solutions, this may not be a realistic goal.

It’s likely that prospects have lots of questions for you about product features and benefits that simply need to be addressed before they move forward.

When it comes to B2B marketing strategies, really look at what the goal is. This could be something as simple as a prospect downloading a pdf case study in exchange for their email.

Or, something more advanced like a recorded video demo of your product that includes an email marketing drip sequence over the next few months.

No matter what your goal is, realistically look at your current sales process and determine how you can shore it up with effective B2B marketing initiatives that increase your value in the prospect’s mind using the right content, well before it’s even time to buy.

Uncovering the B2B marketing process 

Once you identify a goal, for example showing a product video to website visitors, the next link in the B2B marketing chain is to determine the best way to get this digital asset in front of the right eyes.

Depending on the vertical market, ask yourself a few questions about the audience in general, like:

  • Where are these prospects physically located?
  • Is there a job title or group they are associated with?
  • What types of videos or searches are they already performing?

These key details will narrow down the strategy when it comes to setting up content marketing initiatives and B2B advertising campaigns.

Platforms like LinkedIn have a laser targeted range of B2B advertising options that can cater to just about any audience. Typically, the more focused you make the message and advertising, the lower the cost to acquire them it will be.

Creating content that connects

Now you’ve got your audience in sight and a mechanism to capture their contact information, you need content that connects.

Most companies shift into “bragging mode” when it comes to creating B2B marketing content. You should really turn this on its head and make the message all about benefits for the client.

Show them how your solutions will benefit them, and you can use this by including real results from past clients. Don’t forget to use client testimonials in your marketing content.

While some organizations may play their cards close to their vest when it comes to showcasing client names, keep this in mind: If a raving client that loves you is willing to provide a testimonial gets a cold-call from a competitor, do you really think they will jump ship that fast?

Having the right goal, audience and message are key to unlocking your B2B marketing initiatives. Focus on these fundamentals to increase your own sales and leads in today’s digital marketing landscape.

