
June 25, 2020

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Why Your Website Projects Get Stuck In The Mud

WEBSITE | 0 comments

Your website is likely the first impression prospects get of your company, So why do companies get stuck in the mud when it comes time to update their website?

Your website is likely the first impression prospects get of your company. In fact, a recent study by GE Capital Retail Bank reveals that more than 70-80% of people will research a company online before deciding to buy a product or services, mostly from the company’s website.

This means putting your best foot forward and having a clean, modern website. And, the right content matters too.

After all, what’s the point of having information on your website if it’s not useful or fails to showcase how you can help clients.

So, why do companies get stuck in the mud when it comes time to update their website?


What They Worry About Most

There are several roadblocks that prevent companies from staying on top of both the content and the design of their website.

#1 Under Construction
Designing a new website and content may take some time, companies do not want a “half-baked” website in public view while they work on it. So, they keep kicking the can down the road.

#2 – Old Platform
A large number of companies may have built a website using html or some other code based platform that makes it difficult to make changes. If they don’t have the expertise on staff, they find it hard to get in touch with someone that knows their industry to help them.

#3 – Don’t Know Where To Start
With so many moving parts, a website revamp can become overwhelming. This leads to paralysis by analysis…meaning nothing happens for years.

#4 – Too Busy
Running a business is time consuming enough. If you’re trying to develop a website internally, it turns into that nagging project that seems to get put on the backburner time and time again.


The Clear Path To Take

There is a proven, clear path to updating your website. And it can be done behind the scenes so the public is unaware until you decide to showcase you new creation.

This gives you the creative and design freedom without the pressure that the public is looking at a work in progress.

By using a development hosting area, you’re free to create your new site in a safe area.

The good news is that you’ve got the freedom to update and revamp content, images, messaging and contact forms at the same time.

Once the site has been tested and approved, it can take the place of your existing website with one fail swoop.

And, this can be done without disturbing your email service. To the public, they wake up one morning and they see your new website, non the wiser.


Now That It’s New, Things You Should Do

If you’re considering a website refresh, here are some key things to consider. Not only to they showcase your brand, but put your brand in it’s best light.

  • Easy to navigate interface
  • Clearly explain what you do
  • Focus on how you help clients
  • Showcase real-world testimonials and case studies
  • Offer a clear next step and contact form

If you’ve been dreaming of updating your website, or the content on your site, and need some help.

Let us know, we would be glad to share more details and offer help where you need it.

To book a discovery call at a time that works for you, just click here and pick an available time on the calendar.

