Explainify: 471% Increase in sales pipeline with HubSpot & SEM

Increase in
sales pipeline
0 %
Growth in
sales revenue
0 X
Increase in
Production Team
0 %

As content creation company focused on animated video production, Explainify helps the world’s top companies simplify and explain their story using the power of video. It’s not about dumbing things down – but researching to find clarity a clients core message.

Founded in 20011, they’ve helped everyone from web startups to Fortune 100 companies create stories that get people to care. 

The Challenge

With large growth targets in place and a production team to support it, their VP of sales and marketing  was looking to invest in proven marketing programs from a trusted marketing agency. These programs would deliver the MQL’s and new customers needed to support such an expansion.

Not only would this include a range of online marketing campaigns, but also ongoing outreach to their existing client base. As an existing Hubspot user, they needed to leverage that investment to automate and improve the overall marketing and sales processes.

“Clint’s a software marketing pro that generated millions of dollars in sales with our HubSpot solution. Not only did Clint help us with our HubSpot, but his marketing expertise allowed us to get more value from our initial HubSpot investment to drive massive growth...”


This multi-pronged approach was focused on strategic areas for maximum results. There existing Hubspot CRM was optimized to drive visibility in the customer buying journey and sales pipeline visibility. HubsSpot was also a key factor in promoting upsells to their existing client base.

To drive an increase in inbound leads, a focused SEO and PPC campaign was launched to obtain new logo business. All of these efforts, including a streamlined sales and production workflow by the VP, lead helped maximize the outcome of all opportunities. 


The combination of these operational, lead generation,  and sales improvements lead to record breaking growth within the company. The VP of Sales and Marketing closed a record deal for the company for a single transaction. Having systems in place also meant that this increase in business was able to be delivered and meet client expectations.

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