
January 1, 2021

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Free Tool: HubSpot Email Signature Generator

EMAIL MARKETING | 0 comments

If you’ve ever hunted through your inbox to find the contact details for someone, you know what a pain that can be.

Finally you drag open an old email, but quickly realize your contact doesn’t have their phone number or even an email signature.

Sure, you can dig around on their website or maybe track them down on LinkedIn…but how do you feel jumping through all those hoops.

It’s even worse when you’re working so hard and you’re on the buying side. 

Now, think about how your prospects and clients feel if they have to go through this wild goose chase the next time they want to reach out to you.

Why doesn’t everyone just put an easy to read email signature at the bottom of their email message?

For some, formatting the email signature is a technical challenge. Making sure the spacing, colors and even matching the font can be a nightmare.

Others may feel that their prospects can simply hit “reply” to an old email and get in touch with them. 

While another line of thinking is based on not adding an email signature unless it looks creative and have a professional style to it.

No matter what the excuses are, there’s a solution that takes all of these challenges off the table for you…for free.

The Right Tool Makes It Easy

There’s a free online tool from HubSpot that puts your email signature nightmares to bed once and for all.

Not only is it easy to use, but your entire team can now have matching email signatures from a corporate branding level.

With four easy steps you can create a modern email signature with options for website, social media, email, phone and even adding images.

In fact, there are even color selection droppers so that you can use your official color scheme. 

It really does take the formatting and creative process off your plate.

To try the tool for yourself, check out the HubSpot Email Signature Creator for yourself here!
